Commemorating Admiral George Dewey's Welcome in Washington
Los 3761
UNITED STATES. 1776-pres. Medal no date (1899) (Bronze, 44 mm, 57.45 g, 12 h), commemorating Admiral George Dewey's Welcome in Washington. By J. K. Davison. George Dewey Uniformed bust of Admiral Dewey to right, his signature below. Rev. USS Olympia (Admiral Dewey's flagship) to right. Honeycutt 63-3. Very minor scratches, otherwise, good extremely fine.

From an American collection of World medals.

The bronze for this medal comes from Spanish cannons captured by the U.S. Navy during the Battle of Manila Bay on 1 May 1898. In this decisive engagement off the coast of the Philippines, Commodore George Dewey led the American fleet to a complete victory, destroying the entire Spanish squadron. This triumph ultimately paved the way for the U.S. to take control of Manila as part of the Spanish-American War. For his extraordinary success, Dewey was promoted and awarded the title of Admiral of the Navy - a rank uniquely held by him in the entire history of the United States Navy.
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